Med’Vet Website Overhaul: Ylly Partners with SIMV to Modernize the Leading Veterinary Products Platform

We are proud to support the SIMV, the Syndicate of the Veterinary Medicine and Diagnostics Industry, in modernizing the Med’Vet platform, the go-to site for veterinary health products in France.

Since September 2022, we have been partnering with the SIMV, the Syndicate of the Veterinary Medicine and Diagnostics Industry, to revamp the Med’Vet platform, the leading website for veterinary medicines and health products in France.

This collaboration is part of a broader initiative to modernize and optimize their online platform, with the goal of enhancing user experience, integrating advanced features, and ensuring a strong presence in search engines. Through this partnership, we have tackled technical and marketing challenges to establish Med’Vet as the go-to site for veterinary professionals.


SIMV already had a functional platform, attracting significant traffic with over 50,000 monthly visitors. However, the site needed visual and technical updates to remain competitive and offer a smoother user experience. Additionally, the site’s growing popularity required a network architecture capable of handling a large number of simultaneous visitors without compromising performance.

Project Objectives:

Improve the user interface to make navigation more intuitive and appealing.

Integrate advanced search features, crucial for quick access to products.

Optimize SEO to maintain and potentially increase the site’s organic traffic.

A major overhaul like this presented considerable challenges, which our teams successfully overcame to meet the client’s needs:

Technical: The site overhaul needed to rely on modern technologies to ensure high performance and long-term robustness.

Organizational: Coordinating multiple teams (technical, marketing, design) was essential to ensure a smooth deployment without service interruptions.

Marketing: It was imperative to maintain traffic during the transition while optimizing the platform for better search engine ranking.


Our Response and Solution:

From the outset, we conducted a thorough assessment of Med’Vet’s needs to define the technical objectives and features to be developed. After validating the concepts with the client through functional mockups, we chose Symfony for the backend, ensuring robustness and scalability to handle high traffic, while Vue.js was adopted for the frontend, providing a smooth and responsive user experience. Finally, a comprehensive SEO optimization was implemented before the launch to preserve and enhance the site’s search engine ranking after the overhaul.


Project Execution:


Multidisciplinary Team Collaboration:

Our multidisciplinary team, consisting of UX/UI designers, back-end and front-end developers, a project manager, and an SEO expert, worked closely with Med’Vet’s teams to coordinate the entire process and ensure a seamless transition to the new site version.


Design and UX/UI Strategy:

We began with an in-depth evaluation of Med’Vet’s needs, defining clear design and functionality objectives. Functional mockups were created to validate concepts before moving into development.


Planning and Scope Definition:

During planning meetings, we clearly defined the sprints, deliverables, and features to be developed. Agile methodology was adopted to allow flexibility in development and continuous communication between teams.


Development and Integration:

Backend (Symfony): The backend development focused on creating a robust product management system capable of efficiently handling user requests, even during traffic spikes.

Frontend (Vue.js): We optimized page display to ensure smooth navigation, while integrating advanced search features, essential for a site of this scale.


Testing and Launch:

We conducted rigorous unit and integration testing to ensure the functionality of every component. Specific SEO checks were also carried out to ensure the site was fully optimized at launch. The deployment was carefully managed to handle traffic smoothly, thanks to an optimized architecture.


Impacts and Feedback:

The site overhaul and SEO optimization enabled Med’Vet to maintain high traffic while significantly improving user satisfaction through an intuitive interface and advanced search features. The optimized network architecture also ensured increased stability, even during traffic spikes. These improvements solidified Med’Vet’s position as the leader in the online veterinary health products market in France, offering long-term benefits that strengthen their ability to meet user needs and adapt to market changes.


Ongoing Collaboration:

Our partnership with Med’Vet continues, with the goal of enhancing the platform by integrating new features based on user feedback, while proactively anticipating future needs in the veterinary market.


Ready to take your business to the next level with our digital solutions?

The Med’Vet site overhaul showcases our expertise in managing complex projects, combining technological innovation with marketing optimization. If you want to improve your website and optimize your online performance, contact us today to discover how we can support your digital transformation.

Contact us today and let our experts help bring your vision to life.

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